AIBD wants to promote you!

Hey there! I’m Garrett, the Communications Director for AIBD.

In the last six months, we’ve doubled the traffic to our AIBD blog. We’re hitting well over 7000 views per month.

[Updated 2017-08-28]

Line graph of pageviews increasing from SEO and social media efforts.

This is great because it gives the AIBD more exposure, which leads to more subscribers to our Monday Minute newsletter, and, ultimately, more AIBD members.

As an AIBD member, you have access to this resource. You deserve a piece of those 7000 views.

All you need to do is write a blog post and submit it to us!

There are some blog post guidelines to follow:

  • The blog post must be industry related.
  • The blog post must be educational/informative.
    • News, events, and announcements are great for the MondayMINUTE (which you can also submit to).
  • Can not promote a product or service that is not an AIBD member.
  • It must be at least 500 words, but no maximum (the more, the better).
  • Can you have any contact info you wish to include?
  • Pictures are encouraged but can’t be stolen from other websites (or else we can get in trouble).
  • It must be unique content, as in, no duplicate content from other websites (even if they’re yours).

We’re also accepting submissions for the Monday Minute.

Here are some Monday Minute guidelines:

  • The Monday Minute post must be industry related.
  • The Monday Minute post must be news, announcements, or events.
    • Educational/informative posts are great for the blog.
  • It can not promote a product or service that is not an AIBD member.
  • It must be between 100 and 300 words.
  • It can have any contact info you wish to include.
  • Pictures are encouraged but can’t be stolen from other websites (or else we can get in trouble).

Please note that Monday Minute submissions must be submitted by end-of-day Thursday of the week before when you want it posted. If you submit it on Friday or later, the more of a chance it won’t make it in. The Monday Minute is usually completed on Friday, so things submitted over the weekend or Monday morning cannot be added in time.

Remember that our office is on Eastern time and closes at 5:00 PM on Friday.

Blog posts can be submitted anytime, and we can schedule them to go out on specific dates as you request (as long as you give us enough time in advance).

All blog posts will also get a small blurb and link to them in the Monday Minute, usually the following week, but it may be another week in the future.

The Monday Minute is called the Monday Minute for a reason, so we try to keep it short.

If we receive a lot of submissions in one week, some things may be pushed to other weeks to ensure the Monday Minute doesn’t get too long.

If, for any reason, we are unable to post your content, we will notify you of why so that you can make the appropriate edits.

Don’t worry about formatting; we’ll handle that.

Submit here:

We’re looking forward to sharing your content with the rest of the world!

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